Tuesday, June 30, 2009

All the logos of the company

follow this link to know about all hte company logos and mascots

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Ultimate (FREE) Open Source File Sharing Downloader

Application name: jDownloader
screenshot of jDownloader running under Ubuntu Hardy Heron (8.04):

Short description (by myself):

  • All-in-one open source file sharing downloader.
  • Works on Linux, Windows and Mac using Java Virtual Machine.
  • Works whether you have FREE or Premium file sharing account.
  • What I like most: scheduling and sequential downloader, no need to enter captcha for Megaupload and resumable download for free account on Megaupload.
Description from Homepage:
JDownloader is open source, platform independent and written completely in Java. It simplifies downloading files from One-Click-Hosters like Rapidshare.com or Megaupload.com - not only for users with a premium account but also for users who don't pay. It offers downloading in multiple paralell streams, captcha recognition, automatical file extraction and much more. Of course, JDownloader is absolutely free of charge. Additionally, many "link encryption" sites are supported - so you just paste the "encrypted" links and JD does the rest. JDownloader can import CCF, RSDF and the new DLC files.


  • Platform Independent. (Windows, Linux, Mac, ..)
  • Runs on Java 1.5 or higher
  • Complete Open-Source (GPL)
  • 24-hour support
  • Download several files parelel
  • Download with multiple connections (like MSD)
  • JD has an own powerful OCR module (JAntiCaptcha)
  • Decrypt RSDF, CCF and DLC Containerfiles
  • Decryptplugins for many services. e.g. sj.org, UCMS, WordPress, RLSLog....
  • C.E.S: Use of the Russian Captcha Exchange Services possible
  • Youtube video and Mp3 Download
  • Automatic extractor (including password list search) (Rar & 7z archives)
  • Theme Support
  • Multilingual
  • About 45 hoster and over 100 decrypt plug-ins
  • Reconnect with JDLiveHeaderScripts: (1400 router supported)
  • Webupdate
  • Integrated package manager for additional modules

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Opera Wants To Make Your Computer Part Of The Cloud

Opera has recently announced a new software/service offering called Opera Unite. This is included in a beta version of the Opera 10 browser that you can download directly from the company's website. With Unite Opera plans to help you bring a piece of the cloud home with you, by allowing you to simple and almost effortlessly host content for public consumption, within your own computer.

Opera Unite will work as a platform, allowing new services to be added to the browser and thus adding new functionality for the end user. What interest this platform will stir up amongst developers is still too soon to tell.

While the concept is rather interesting whether or not the implementation will prove to be useful, or even usable, also remains to be seen. The main drawback to proposed approach is that while more and more people have permanent broadband connections to the Internet, even more people have notebook computers which they carry around all the time and which are thus unavailable to serve content on-line. This can, however, prove to be a powerful tool for people working in small distributed groups or that are part of tight communities such as college students.

My first contact with Unite has me interested but not yet overly optimistic about its usability. I will continue to follow the product's development, and even more importantly to follow what new services are added to this platform Opera is introducing.

What do you think of Opera Unite?

Friday, June 19, 2009


  • Wimax is also similar to Wifi but Wifi covers small distance
  • Wimax covers large distane
  • Wimax does not conflict with wifi but actually complements it.
  • WiMAX is short for Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access
  • IEEE name 802.16.WiMAX
  • WiMAX could replace cable and DSL services, providing universal Internet access
  • WiMAX could potentially erase the suburban and rural blackout areas that currently have no broadband Internet access
  • System consist of two parts
1)WiMax Tower
2)WiMax Reciever

WiMax Tower
  • WiMAX tower can coverage a very large area — as big as 3,000 square miles.
  • It can connect directly to the Internet using a high-bandwidth, wired connection.
  • It can connect to another WiMAX tower using a line-of-sight, microwave link.
WiMax Reciever
  • The receiver and antenna could be a small box or PCMCIA card.
  • They could be built into a laptop the way WiFi access is today.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Linux Is Step Ahead

Most of them not understand about difference between Linux and Microsoft


There are lots to say about the history of linux but it goes for a long so just have a look at of overview.
History of Linux
  • In 1993 Linux was introduced by Linus Torvalds, a student in Finland. Who post to the comp.os.minix newsgroup with the words:

    "Hello everybody out there using minix -

    I'm doing a (free) operating system (just a hobby, won't be big and professional like gnu) for 386(486) AT clones."

  • Linus Torvalds, the creator of Linux, chose Larry Ewing's design simply because he likes penguins. It is said that the name Tux was the winning entry in the 'Let's Name The Penguin While Linus Is Away Contest' with the 'T' standing for Torvalds and the 'U' and 'X' for Linux.

  • Torvalds announced in 1996 that there would be a mascot for Linux, a penguin
  • Alan Cox - Has made major contributions in coding the Linux Kernel.
  • It is Open Source
  • The largest part of the work on Linux is performed by the community: the thousands of programmers around the world that use Linux and send their suggested improvements to the maintainers.
  • Then some of the organization came forward to improvize the standard of Linux and the first one is Red Hat Linux introduced on 1994
  • KDE(K DESKTOP ENVIRONMENT) is started to be developed by Matthias Ettrich
  • Now there are lots of organization like Fedora,Ubuntu,SUSE,Debi, released Linux by modifying little structure and adding new features
This is how the linux is marked a special history

To view Full history

5 Cool Cloud Computing Research Projects

The HotCloud conference on cloud computing in San Diego will showcase a number of research projects. One such project is a Trusted Cloud Computing Platform developed by researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems that "enables Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) providers such as Amazon EC2 to provide a closed box execution environment that guarantees confidential execution of guest virtual machines (VMs)." The platform would guarantee customers that their data has not been interfered with by service providers while also allowing service providers to secure data even across many VMs. Meanwhile, University of Washington researchers are exploiting the fact that Web services and applications will be very closely situated to develop CloudViews, a common storage system designed "to facilitate collaboration through protected inter-service data sharing." University of Minnesota researchers have outlined a way to form nebulas from distributed voluntary resources that could provide greater scalability, more geographical dispersion of nodes, and lower cost than traditional managed clouds. Researchers at the University of California Santa Cruz, NetApp, and Pergamum Systems are considering the trade-offs between storing data and recalculating results as needed in an attempt to boost the efficiency of cloud computing. They write in a paper that "recomputation as a replacement for storage fits well into the holistic model of computing described by the cloud architecture. With its dynamically scalable and virtualized architecture, cloud computing aims to abstract away the details of underlying infrastructure. In both public and private clouds, the user is encouraged to think in terms of services, not structure."

NASA: Robots Critical to Endeavour's Mission on Space Station

The U.S. space shuttle's current mission, one of the most technical ever attempted by NASA, would not be possible without the use of robotics, says Holly Ridings, the lead space station flight director for the Endeavour mission. "We have learned a lot about robotics and about working together with a robot," Ridings says. "Robotics is really one of the things that NASA has a lot of experience in and it's allowing us to do some wonderful things on the space station." After docking with the space station on the morning of June 15th, the Endeavour crew will take the mission's first spacewalk, assisted by two robotic arms. Ridings says that while the astronauts work outside the space station, a robotic arm will lift a 4-ton piece of the Japanese complex out of the shuttle's payload bay. The piece, which will be attached to the outside of the Japanese module, is designed to hold its own payloads and host experiments that need to be conducted in outer space. In addition to the station's two main robotic arms, which will hand off the new piece between them several times during the mission, a third robotic arm, attached to the Japanese module, will be used for the first time in about a week. The third arm, installed in June 2008, will pick up and move payloads to the new piece. The robotic arm's software features several redundancies and five to seven things would have to go wrong for the arm to let go of the space station and drift away, Ridings says.

New Coalition Pushes for 'Big' Broadband

A new report from the Schools, Health and Libraries Broadband (SHLB) Coalition says that schools, libraries, and healthcare providers in the United States need broadband speeds of 100 Mbps to 1 Gbps to adequately serve their customers' needs. The SHLB Coalition, which features 28 members, including the New America Foundation, the American Library Association, Internet 2, and Educause, is urging U.S. federal, state, and local governments to seriously consider the needs of libraries, schools, and healthcare providers when developing broadband deployment plans. "High-speed broadband is the key infrastructure that K-12 schools, universities, libraries, hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare providers need to provide 21st-century education, information, and health services," says SHLB coordinator John Windhausen. The institutions are core elements of communities, and affordable, high-speed broadband will help both their immediate customers and surrounding neighborhoods through shared networks, says New America Foundation Wireless Future Program director Michael Calabrese. "The most promising public investment, given limited resources, would be high-capacity fiber networks connecting community anchor institutions in every local jurisdiction," Calabrese says. "By becoming both technology hubs and bringing fiber deep into every community, schools, libraries, and healthcare providers will [bring] affordable broadband access to everyone."

Moon Magic: Researchers Develop New Tool to Visualize Past, Future Lunar Eclipses

Researchers at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute have created a model that can generate picture-perfect images of lunar eclipses. Professor Barbara Cutler assisted graduate student Theodore C. Yapo with configuring and combining models for sunlight, the solar system, and the different layers and effects of the Earth's atmosphere to simulate and render a visualization of a lunar eclipse. The tool can show how famous eclipses in history look, how future ones will look, and how they would appear to someone in New York, Rome, or from any other geographical location on Earth.
Cutler and Yapo say it is almost impossible to distinguish the computer-generated images of eclipses from actual photos. "Other researchers have rendered the night sky, the moon, and sunsets, but this is the first time anyone has rendered lunar eclipses," Cutler says. "Our models may help with investigations into historical atmospheric phenomena, and they could also be of interest to artists looking to add this special effect to their toolbox."

Spintronic - The New Electronic

European researchers working on the Nanospin project have developed spintronic devices using ferromagnetic semiconductors. Although still in development, spintronics has already led to faster, instant-on technology and massive increases in data storage capacity. Spintronic devices also use little power and are highly scalable. "It takes a very low current to switch spin, which makes these devices very efficient," says Nanospin co-coordinator Charles Gould. He also says that, theoretically, spintronic devices could have very high switching speeds. "We have not proven this in the lab yet, but many results in the theory have already been proven, so high switching speeds [are quite likely]," Gould says. The Nanospin project sought to achieve four objectives: writing information to ferromagnetic semiconductors, retrieving that information, switching between different states at high speeds, and the theoretical modeling of the devices to explain their operation and optimize performance. The researchers say the project was successful on all accounts. "Currently, we are looking at logic schemes for spintronics, so we are moving from memory and storage to processing," Gould says.
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